Thursday 1 December 2016

In This Season

Nature always has an impact on its beings, in eternal ways. Nature allows seasons to change, so does we adopt it. For our own mastery, We try to pave paths which are otherwise not acceptable to our own selves. This duplex and perplexed nature of humans have made this planet a worst state to breathe in. Everything is odd till it befalls on us. Yes, we, the creatures have an amazing law of denying the truth falling on us and molding all the prospects in our favour. 
Yes, we the candle bearer of this land are filthy on our own parts. What we never seek from nature is the ultimate reason of permutation. Seasons may change but spring eventually comes to the same tree which faced fall. Why this atrocious cycle of rise and fall then? "Reverence and Perseverance" is the best bashing retort.